
Skills & Knowledge Building

We provide Professional Development and Training for organisations covering key areas of safety and support.

Mental Wellness

Mental Health & Wellness of immigrant & refugee women: Current best practices & approaches for frontline workers.

Substance Use

Substance use among immigrant & refugee women survivors of gender-based violence. Understanding and providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services.

Conflict Management

Unpacking cultural & language in communication & conflict management with immigrant & refugee survivor gender-based violence.

Challenging Situations

Working with challenging situations when supporting immigrant & refugee survivors of gender-based violence in frontline work.

Team Building

Engaging in team building among multicultural & diverse frontline workers to enhance culturally responsive services.

Intake & Case Management

Effective intakes and case management in culturally and linguistically appropriate supportive services.

isawSAFETY Inc. 


Incorporated in British Columbia, Canada.


Creating and sustaining healthy and safe communities.


Engage technologies to improve accessibility and availability of information and resources to improve the wellness of families and communities.